Sámis 25

Sámis 25/2017 15 Girjjálašvuohta Alfred, Taiaiake 2009 (second edition): Peace, Power, Right- eousness. An Indigenous Manifesto. Oxford Universi- ty Press Balto, A.M., 2006. Traditional Sámi child-rearing in transi- tion. Traditional Sámi child rearing in transition. Shap- ing a new Pedagogical Platform. AlterNative, Interna- tional Journal of Indigenous Scholarship. University of Auckland, New Zealand. Balto, A.M., 2008: Sámi oahpaheaddjit sirdet árbevirolaš kultuvrra boahttevaš buolvvaide. Dekoloniserema ak­ šuvdnadutkamuš Ruoŧa beale Sámis. Dieđut 4/2008. Balto, Asta M., & G. Johansson 2015: The Process of Vital- izing and Revitalizing Culture-Based Pedagogy in Sámi Schools in Sweden. In: International Journal about Par- ents in Education, 2015, Volume 9, Nr 1 Balto, Asta M., & Kuhmunen, Gudrun 2014: Máht- táhit iežamet ja earáid – Sámi iešmearrideapmái, na­ šuvdnahuksemii ja jođiheapmái/ Máhttáhit - omsko- la dem och oss! - Samisk självbestämmande och ledar- skap. / Máhttáhit – re-educate them and us! – Sámi self-determination, nation- building and leadership. ČálliidLágadus,Kárášjohka Balto, Asta & Hirvonen, Vuokko 2008: Sámi iešmearri­ deapmi oahppo- ja skuvlensuorggis. – John B Henriksen (doaimm.), Sami iešmearrideapmi. Sisdoallu ja čađa­ heapmi. (Vol. 2). Gáldu - Álgoálbmotvuoigatvuođaid gelbbolašvuođaguovddáš, Guovdageaidnu Galdu Čála, Álgoálbmotvuoigatvuođaid áigečála. Kumu Honua Mauli Ola: A Native Hawai’ian Education- al Philsophy Statement (www.olelo.hawai ’i.edu/olelo/ khmo.php) Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove & Dunbar, Robert 2010: Indige- nous Children’s Education as Linguistic Genocide and a Crime Against Humanity? A Global View. Gáldu Čála Journal of Indigenous Peoples Rights No 1/2010. Smith, Graham Hingangaroa 2003: Indigenous Struggle for the Transformation of Education and Schooling. Keynote Adress to the Alaskan Federation of Natives (AFN) Anchorage, Alaska, US University of Hawai’i Hilo: Ka Haka 'Ula O Ke'elikōlani, College of Hawaiian Language http://www.olelo.hawaii.edu/ WINHEC: http://winhec.org/ Aha Punana Leo: www.ahapunanaleo.org/